

The code of conduct is a list of expectations we have for all members of the Iowa City Mountain Bike Club.

Always Wear a Helmet
Athletes should wear a helmet at all times when riding bikes. Under no circumstances should a student be on their bike without a helmet securely fastened to their head.

Ensure Bike Maintenance

Make sure that your tires have the appropriate amount of air, your front/rear brakes operate properly, and your chain runs through the cassette/derailleur smoothly. Remember the ABCs of biking: air, brakes, and chain.

Obey Traffic Laws
Athletes are required by law to obey all traffic laws. Athletes are required to be aware of specific laws that pertain to bicyclists. Safety is vital.

Avoid Unsafe Risks
There is some risk in all sports - including biking. So it’s important to be careful and mindful when trying new activities. Reckless behavior will not be tolerated. Never willingly attempt anything that is beyond one’s ability to control safely.

Ride Predictably

When riding with others, always ride in a straight, steady, and predictable manner. Swerving onto sidewalks, berms, or jumps is unsafe and discouraged.

Avoid Music Players/Headphones
Avoid riding and racing bikes with headphones or other portable musical devices. It’s important to be able to hear your surroundings.

Stop Before Using Cell Phones

Avoid using cellphones at all times when riding bikes. Having a cell phone during practices is acceptable - especially in the event of an emergency. However, it is not acceptable to use a phone while riding. Students must safely come to a complete stop and place both feet on the ground before using a cellphone.

Yield On Trails
Yield to walkers, hikers, dogs, and horses when on a trail. This will ensure that you and the team have a positive image with others. It will also minimize negative encounters or conflicts with others on the trail.

Pass With Care
Let other bikers know of your presence before passing them. Before you pass, say: “On your left.” Then pass on the left side of the cyclist. In the same way, if someone comes up behind you, please allow them to pass on your left.

Maintain Sportsmanship
Sportsmanship is important at practices and races. Treat all athletes, coaches, spectators, and officials with respect. Avoid profanity, arguing, and antagonism.

Control Your Speed
Maintain a speed that is appropriate for the terrain and your experience/skill as a rider. Be able to stop safely without skidding in the distance that you can see ahead. Approach switchbacks and turns with care - and be aware of other riders.

Be Good Stewards of the Trails
Use the appropriate garbage and recycling receptacles. Pack out what you pack in, and if possible, carry out more than you share. Always ride on trails. Riding off-trail damages meadows and other fragile ecosystems. Never cut switchbacks as this accelerates erosion. Never ride on muddy trails. Carry your bike around muddy spots.

Ride Only on Authorized/Open Trails
Check with coaches and/or local authorities regarding open trails and conditions, and with landowners regarding private land access.

Ride With Others
Always try to ride with at least one other person for safety. If you plan to ride alone, alert someone to your general location, the route you plan to take, and your approximate time of return.

Plan Ahead for Long Rides
Bring an extra tube, pump, multitool, water, sunscreen, snacks, and additional layers of clothes to ensure you’re prepared for a long ride.  

Represent The Team Positively
You are a member of the Iowa City Mountain Bike Club. Your words and actions represent not only yourself, but also the team itself. Please remember that you are responsible for representing the team in a positive way. You are an ambassador for the team, the sport of cycling, and our community.  In addition, to these expectations, the Code of Conduct for USA Cycling can be found here

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